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Our school vision ‘Curious Minds, Open Hearts & Joy of Learning is at the heart of all we do. At Homefield VC C of E Primary we strongly believe in providing the children with inspiring, creative and meaningful learning experiences that builds on their natural curiosity and ignites their passion for learning.   In PE, we want to create a curriculum that excites the children whilst educating them about their own health and physical development. The curriculum offers breadth of both traditional games and new sports through gymnastics, dance, swimming (Years 3 to 6), athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities (Nature School) and games that include striking and fielding, net and wall and striking and fielding.

At certain points (currently Year 6 and Year 4) during their time at Homefield they will get to experience at least one residential trip that will enable them to apply their physical development and love of the outdoors. There are also regular opportunities to engage in competitive sport through the school's membership to the East Norfolk Schools Sports Partnership and strong local links with schools both north and south of the river. 

Children are strongly encouraged to attend at least one extra-curricular club throughout the school year. Attendance is tracked and pupils are asked for the sports they would like to see as part of our offer. Pupils who do not engage are further targeted as we pride ourselves on offering inclusivity and believe everyone can find a sport that appeals to them. 

At Homefield, we use the Primary PE Passport as our main teaching resource in Year 1 to 6. PE Passport enables us to deliver a balanced curriculum with the intent that children can learn new skills and knowledge and how to apply it. It allows the staff to adapt and track individuals and groups of pupils to allow for careful monitoring and subsequent planning. This is implemented through all children receiving 2 hours of high quality PE each week.  All children are actively involved in each lesson. We have a commitment to ensuring inclusivity and follow the STEP principle (Space, Task, Equipment and People) to aid the natural differentiation in each lesson. The impact of this is shown through assessing children's progress and ensuring the children know what that need to do to improve. The children will feel an appropriate level of challenge and recognise that their achievements are valued. 

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)  Physical Development is supported through continuous provision. Early Years teachers plan and deliver a range of activities and experiences so that children can explore different ways of moving, throwing and catching. Using Birth To Five Matters, the children are assessed to ensure they are meeting their developmental goals. 

Curious Minds – we want our children to find out about sports new to them through the curriculum we offer which includes the extra-curricular clubs. Children learn through asking questions and having the opportunity to lead sections of the PE lesson in small groups when they are ready. Teaching them to be physical thinkers is a skill that will promote their love and development within PE. Being exposed to inspirational sports people whether in person or through video will foster a desire to emulate and strive to improve their own ability. 

Open Hearts – to be open to believe that they can try any sport at their own level and find ways to improve. We want our children to have the self-belief that they are an equal and important part of every PE lesson and know how to work as a team to enjoy each aspect of the PE curriculum and feel a sense of achievement, however small. We want them to be able to articulate how sport makes their body feel and understand that it is not always comfortable. As they progress, using the language of sport, they will be able to communicate openly with one another but always showing our core value of RESPECT. 

Joy of Learning –  we strive for all our children to show excitement about their PE lessons and outdoor learning experiences. They will be given opportunities to learn through activity and see how this connects to other areas of their curriculum learning. They will develop competitiveness but show resilience when it is difficult. Sportsmanship and respect are at the core of our PE curriculum and we want our children to experience the joys that sport can bring to motivate them to be life-long active members of our wider community.