The Six Part Lesson Process
Children's lesson's follow the 6 part process. These are key components of effective lessons. This helps to ensure that children connect with prior knowledge, enabling learning to be generative and responsive, consolidated, connected and embedded. We want children to remember more!
Curriculum Impact
In order to assess how well we are meeting the aims of our curriculum, a quality assurance framework is in place.
The key features of this are the following:
- Moderation and standardisation of our assessment data, both in-school and externally
- Assessment systems which give national benchmarking data, such as No More Marking Writing Assessments
- Regular monitoring of the quality of education by the Senior Leadership Team and external advisors, including reviewing the curriculum intent, monitoring the sequence/scheme of learning in different subjects, 'pupil book study', visits to lessons, talking to teachers and talking to pupils.
- Half-termly School Improvement Visits by the Local Authority
- Termly updates of progress against the milestones in the School Development Plan
- Regular monitoring and analysis of attendance data
- Pupil surveys
- Parent surveys
- Staff wellbeing surveys
- Analysis of termly summative assessment data
- Analysis of behaviour and pastoral information
- Governors' meetings
- Governor monitoring visits