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Vision, Aims and Values


We align our school vision with the Church of England. Through the teaching of Joshua 1:9 ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,’ we are able to embody our Christian vision of ‘Curious Minds, Open Hearts & Joy of Learning’, knowing that whatever challenges we face God is always with us.

Our vision is rooted in the idea that everyone as a child of God should be supported to have curious minds, open hearts, experiencing the joy of learning. At Homefield VC C of E Primary we strongly believe in providing the children with inspiring, creative and meaningful learning experiences that builds on their natural curiosity and ignites their passion for learning.

We aspire for all of our children to leave Homefield VC C of E Primary School, with high aspirations, having the confidence and knowledge they need to succeed as unique individuals, knowing that ‘With God, all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26)

Our vision is unpinned by the core value of RESPECT

As a school community, we are one body that follows these basic principles of ‘love God, love yourself and your neighbour’. We demonstrate this by having respect for ourselves, for others and for the environment

We actively promote ‘Respect’ throughout our school community. We celebrate difference and diversity by encouraging our children to be outward looking.

By showing and living the value of Respect for ourselves, for others and for the global environment. Our thinking, our behaviour and our decision making is guided towards achieving our vision.