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At Homefield, we have adopted the CUSP Science approach to the teaching and learning of Science. It is an evidence-led approach that allows children to be able to embed knowledge in their long-term memories, becoming 'a little more expert' as they progress through the curriculum. Its foundations are cemented in the EYFS through learning within our Golden Threads of 'Wonderful Me' and 'The Natural World'. It is ambitious, with a heavy focus on vocabulary and retention of knowledge as well as equipping pupils with the skills to work and think scientifically. CUSP Science has sequenced the national curriculum into meaningful and connected ‘chunks’ of content to reduce the load on the working memory, addressing common misconceptions and placing importance on subject content as well as the context it is taught in. We also value the study of scientists from the past as well as promoting diverse present-day role models in the field.

Scientific analysis is developed through IPROF criteria. We call it ‘Thinking Scientifically.’

identifying and classifying

pattern seeking


observing over time

fair and comparative testing

The overviews below of each year group's CUSP Science units came into effect fully from September 2023. We are mindful of implementing this new scheme to enable appropriate gaps in learning to be filled.